Figure 1.
Three-dimensional rendering of visual biofeedback stimulus for augmented neuromuscular training intervention (aNMT). The aNMT stimulus is a real-time, interactive biofeedback stimulus responsive to and driven by select biomechanical variables identified in previous research11 as contributing to injury risk. The specific variables driving aNMT biofeedback for this study were a function of the following variables: (1) trunk lean, (2) knee-to-hip joint extensor moment force ratio, (3) knee-abduction moment of force, and (4) vertical ground reaction force ratio. These variables were calculated in real time and used to render a visual geometric shape (rectangle displayed on a projector screen). The feedback shape changed in real time according to the biomechanical variables as the athlete performed an exercise. The desired outcome for athletes was to move and produce a perfectly symmetric stimulus shape that corresponded to low injury-risk biomechanics. Deviations of the biomechanical variables from the desired injury-resistant movement-pattern goal values yielded specific, systematic distortions of the feedback shape.