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. 2022 Sep 15;44(2):509–522. doi: 10.1002/hbm.26077


Salient pairs of components (connections) are observed from the saliency analysis of fMRI data and their neuro domains

ID Comp. I Dom. I Comp. II Dom. II HC‐SZ direction
1 Para central lobule SMN Insula CON HC > SZ
2 Putamen SCN Superior frontal gyrus CON HC < SZ
3 Putamen SCN Precentral gyrus SMN HC < SZ
4 Caudate SCN Posterior cingulate cortex DMN HC < SZ
5 Putamen SCN Superior medial frontal gyrus CON HC < SZ
6 Caudate SCN Superior temporal gyrus ADN HC < SZ
7 Thalamus SCN Left inferior parietal lobule CON HC < SZ

Note: Comp. I and comp. II represent the pairs of components portraying functional connectivity. Dom. I and II demonstrate the domain the components belong to.

Abbreviations: fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; HC, healthy control; SZ, Schizophrenia.