ER stress promotes mis-glycosylation of secretory proteins in murine Jz explant culture
Jz explants were treated with Tg (100 nM) for 48 h.
(A) Tg treatment induces low-grade ER stress in Jz explants. After treatment, Jz homogenate was analyzed by Western blotting for the ER stress markers ATF4, GRP78, and XBP1; β-ACTIN was used as loading control. Band intensities were quantified and data normalized to the mean value of untreated control. Data are presented as mean ± SD, n = 3. Paired t-test.
(B) DIGE reveals changes in glycosylation after Jz culture with Tg treatment. Circled spots were excised and identified by mass spectrometry as spongiotrophoblast-specific CEACAM11 (red circles) and CEACAM12 (blue circles).
(C) Tg treatment induces glycosylation changes in CEACAM11 and CEACAM12. The level of each spot was normalized to the mean expression level of the protein. A reduction in molecular weight indicates loss of glycan complexity while increased pI of the spot suggests potential loss of sialic acid group(s).