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. 2023 Jan 17;23:19. doi: 10.1186/s12874-022-01809-0

Table 1.

Point estimators for the heterogeneity parameter

Point estimator forτ2 Author (year) Computation Range Assume
Estimation method
Cochran (Hedges-Olkin) CA Cochran (1954) [10] Direct Non-negative No Method of the moments
Mandel-Paule MP Mandel & Paule (1970/82) [11, 12] Iterative Non-negative No Method of the moments
DerSimonian-Laird DL DerSimonian & Laird (1986) [13] Direct Non-negative No Method of the moments
Hartung-Makambi HM Hartung & Makambi (2002) [14] Direct Positive No Method of the moments
Two-step Cochran CA2 DerSimonian & Kacker (2007) [15] Direct Non-negative No Method of the moments
Two-step DerSimonian-Laird DL2 DerSimonian & Kacker (2007) [15] Direct Non-negative No Method of the moments
Positive DerSimonian-Laird DLp Kontopantelis et al. (2013) [16] Direct Positive No Method of the moments
Lin-Chu-Hodges r LCHr Lin et al. (2017) [17] Iterative Non-negative No Method of the moments
Lin-Chu-Hodges m LCHm Lin et al. (2017) [17] Iterative Non-negative No Method of the moments
Multistep DerSimonian-Laird DLm vanAert & Jackson (2018) [18] Direct Non-negative No Method of the moments
Median-unbiased Mandel-Paule MPM Viechtbauer (2021) [19] Iterative Non-negative No Method of the moments
Median-unbiased Gen. Q GENQM Viechtbauer (2021) [19] Iterative Non-negative No Method of the moments
Maximum likelihood ML Hardy & Thompson (1996) [20] Iterative Non-negative Yes Maximum likelihood
Restricted maximum likelihood REML Viechtbauer (2005) [21] Iterative Non-negative Yes Maximum likelihood
Sidik-Jonkman SJ Sidik & Jonkman (2005) [22] Direct Non-negative Yes Least squares
Sidik-Jonkman (prior CA estimation) SJ(CA) Sidik & Jonkman (2007) [23] Direct Positive Yes Least squares
Non-parametric bootstrap DerSimonian-Laird DLb Kontopantelis et al. (2013) [16] Direct Non-negative No Non-parametric
Malzahn-Böhning-Holling MBH Malzahn et al. (2000) [24] Direct Non-negative No Non-parametric
Hunter-Schmidt (weighted by inversed variance) HSiv Hunter & Schmidt (1990) [25] Direct Non-negative No Artifact correction
Hunter-Schmidt (weighted by sample size) HSss Hunter & Schmidt (1990) [25] Direct Non-negative No Artifact correction
Hunter-Schmidt (corrected by small sample size) HSk Morris et al. (2015) [33] Direct Non-negative No Artifact correction
Fully Bayesian FB Smith et al. (1995) [26] Iterative Non-negative Yes Bayesian
Rukhin Bayes RB Rukhin (2013) [27] Direct Non-negative No Bayesian
Rukhin Bayes positive RBp Rukhin (2013) [27] Direct Positive No Bayesian
Bayes Modal BM Chung et al. (2013a, 2013b) [28, 29] Iterative Positive Yes Bayesian

Heterogeneity point estimators included in the present study, their abbreviation, authors and year of publication, type of calculation required to obtain the corresponding estimate, the range of real values for theτ2estimates obtained, whether they assume or not normality assumptions regarding the random-effects distribution, and the underlying estimation method they are based on