Figure 5. Transcriptomic diversity of human hippocampal microglia across the postnatal lifespan.
(A and B) UMAP of integrated data highlighting microglia (A), which were sub-clustered and visualized in UMAP colored by subpopulation and generic marker expression (B).
(C-E) Characteristics of microglia subpopulations and their abundance across ages. Heatmap (C) and dot plots (D and E) similar as in Figures 2C-E.
(F and G) Sample confocal images (F) and quantification (G) of CD83+ cells among all IBA1+ microglia in the human hippocampus across ages. Asterisks and arrowheads indicate CD83+ and CD83- cells among IBA1+ cells, respectively. Insets boxed in orange and cyan colors show enlarged view of representative IBA1+ cells that were CD83+ and CD83-, respectively. Scale bars, 10 μm (F). Box plot similar as in Figure 2G (n = 4 subjects per stage) (G).
(H and I) Assessing hPSC-derived microglia in three query datasets (Popova et al., 2021; Svoboda et al., 2019) with our in vivo reference map (H). UMAPs (H) and bar plots (I) similar as in Figures 2H and 2I.