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. 2022 Dec 20;15(1):1–11. doi: 10.3390/neurolint15010001

Table 3.

DSQ-SF symptom means and standard deviations.

Meets CCC Does Not Meet CCC Sig
M (SD) M (SD)
Minimum exercise makes you physically tired 82.50 (16.05) 54.35 (28.78) **
Fatigue/extreme tiredness 81.84 (13.33) 56.48 (24.71) **
Feeling unrefreshed after you wake up in the morning 80.26 (15.39) 48.70 (26.02) **
Next day soreness or fatigue after non-strenuous, everyday activities 75.13 (18.68) 48.43 (27.42) **
Difficulty paying attention for a long period of time 71.91 (17.00) 37.59 (24.79) **
Problems remembering things 67.11 (21.21) 33.06 (24.36) **
Pain or aching in your muscles 61.58 (25.21) 37.50 (29.14) **
Feeling hot or cold for no reason 49.93 (27.35) 39.44 (22.12) *
Irritable bowel problems 44.80 (31.02) 29.07 (27.57) **
Feeling unsteady on your feet, like you might fall 44.34 (27.08) 23.89 (22.42) **
Bloating 46.45 (29.39) 26.57 (27.34) **
Cold limbs (e.g., arms, legs, hands) 45.33 (29.07) 23.98 (23.61) **
Flu-like symptoms 36.71 (26.90) 22.50 (23.50) **
Some smells, foods, medications, or chemicals make you feel sick 28.36 (30.04) 15.37 (21.38) **

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. Note symptoms are arranged in descending order of means for the group meeting CCC criteria. Variables duration, sex, and region are covariates.