(A) A summary of the study design to include details of individual patient cohorts used for PancreaSeq testing (tan) and individual analyses performed (blue). (B) Correlative genomic findings based on retrospective PancreaSeq testing of 97 preoperative pancreatic cyst fluid specimens from 63 mucinous cysts and 34 nonmucinous cysts. Among the 63 mucinous cysts, 22 cysts also harbored high-grade dysplasia and/or invasive adenocarcinoma (advanced neoplasia). Genomic alterations in KRAS, GNAS, and/or BRAF were 100% specific for mucinous cysts, whereas alterations in TP53, SMAD4, and/or the mTOR genes were preferentially seen in mucinous cysts with advanced neoplasia. Similarly, genomic alterations in MEN1 and VHL were highly specific for cystic PanNETs and SCAs, respectively. The mTOR genes include PIK3CA and PTEN. HGD, high-grade dysplasia; LGD, low-grade dysplasia.