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. 2022 May 23;12(1):368–378. doi: 10.1002/cam4.4849


Summary of the treatment course and outcomes of Australian patients with mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, N = 22

Case number Age (years) Sex Tumour site at presentation Treatment for the primary Metastasis, recurrence (site) Treatment for metastasis or recurrence/progression Chemotherapy regimen Outcome (months)
Presented without metastasis
1 10 F Vertebra S LR S (×5), R (×2), CT (×1) D DOD (183.2)
3 25 M Pelvis S, R LR + MR (bone) S (×5), R, CT (×3) IrT, P, VDC/IE AWD (96.7)
5 24 M 3rd metatarsal S NED (26.7)
6 26 M Maxilla S, R, CT LR + MR (lung) S (×2), R DI DOD (211.0)
7 28 F Maxilla S (x2) NED (2.7)
8 59 M Thigh CT, R UK UK DOD (16.9)
9 18 F Missing CT UK DaDI DOD (7.0)
10 44 F Bone (UK) S, R NED (30.4)
11 30 F Rib S NED (0.4)
12 20 M Distal femur S MR (lung) S (×5), R (×3), CT (×6) M, DIV, DaDIV, VDaCE, trialx2 a , UK DOD (101.9)
13 33 F Rib S MR (bone) S, R (×4), CT VDC/IE DOD (26.1)
14 22 F Rib S, R NED (21.4)
15 39 M Vertebra S NED (0.0)
16 48 F Vertebra R, S LR + MR (bone) S, R AWD (119.2)
17 14 F Quadriceps S NED (59.1)
18 37 M Buttock S, R LR + MR (lung) S (×3), R (×2) DOD (90.3)
29 38 M Bone (UK) CT, S MR (bone) CT (×2) DzDI, trial DOD (8.9)
21 11 M Lower leg S, CT VDC/IE NED (13.8)
22 36 F Spine CT, R VDC/IE AWD (9.4)
Presented with metastasis
2 32 F Calf (lung) CT, S n/a S (×2), R (×6), CT (×4) VIDE, VDC, trial b , GDo, E DOD (34.9)
4 28 M Pelvis (lung) CT, R n/a R, CT (×4) VIDE, VDaC, trial b , trial c , GDo AWD (34.9)
20 27 F Pelvis/sacrum (lung, node) CT, R n/a VDC/IE AWD (15.7)

Abbreviations: AWD, alive with disease; C, cyclophosphamide; CT, chemotherapy; D, doxorubicin; Da, dactinomycin; Do, docetaxel; DOD, dead of disease; Dz, dacarbazine; E, etoposide; G, gemcitabine; I, ifosfamide; Ir, irinotecan; LR, local recurrence; M, methotrexate; NED, no evidence of disease; R, radiation; S, surgery; UK, unknown; MR, metastatic recurrence; P, pazopanib; T, temozolamide; V, vincristine.


Investigational targeted agent.


Immunotherapy trial.


RAF inhibitor.