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. 2022 Aug 18;1(2):e00011. doi: 10.1097/PN9.0000000000000011

Table 1.

Overview of the scope of data collection in the Boston Birth Cohort.

Domains of influence Levels of influence
Individual Family/interpersonal Community/society
Biological Genomewide genotypes; metabolome, RNA, biomarkers of folate, B12, vitamin D Maternal and child health Immunization, prenatal screening (AFP, hCG, and estriol)
Behavioral Smoking, alcohol, opioids, marijuana, cocaine, stress, and mental health Marital status, household composition, support of partner, family, and friends; smokers in the household; and mental health and sleep/wake patterns Witness of violence, rate of crime, smoking, alcohol, drug use, and incarceration
Nutritional Dietary patterns, beverage consumption, receipt of WIC, and food stamps Cultural food preference Grocery stores, farmer’s market access, fast food restaurants, health statistics by zip codes, rates of obesity and diabetes
Environment Exposure to ambient and indoor air pollution, fuel type, old housing, indoor pests, household pets, carpet, and molds Family income, country of origin, immigration, ability to speak English, receipt of public assistance, WIC, employment, and access to technology Disinvested and marginalized neighborhoods, race and ethnicity (self-reported), green space, built environment, public schools, parks, highways, transportation availability, and neighborhood crime rates
Health care Prenatal and delivery care; lab tests, BMI, BP, diagnoses, medications, and services Type of insurance, type and frequency of clinical visits, age, parity, and child with special health care needs Type and completeness of recommended preventive care, and zip code level morbidity and mortality
Sources of data Questionnaires, medical records, study visits, lab tests, and biosample/biomarkers Questionnaires, medical records, lab tests, study visits, and biosample/biomarkers Census data, vital statistics, police crime reports, GPS, and air monitors

WIC, women, infant and children’s supplemental nutrition program; AFP, alpha-fetoprotein; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; GPS, global positioning system; RNA, ribonucleic acid; BMI, body mass index; BP blood pressure.