A–R) Images of ddaC neurons in control larvae (
A and F) and in larvae with
Stat92E (
B and G) or
dome (
C–E and H–J) knocked down in muscles, on HYD or LYD. 2D plots (
K–N) and densities of branch terminals (
O–R). (
S–AN) Images of ddaC neurons in control larvae (
S and Y) and in larvae with
upd (
T, U, Z and AA),
upd2 (
V and AB), or
upd3 (
W, X, AC and AD) knocked down in the fat body and hemocytes, on HYD or LYD. 2D plots (AE-AI) and densities of branch terminals (AJ-AN). The ddaC neurons were visualized by expressing
ppk-CD4:tdGFP. Images of control neuron (
S and Y) are shared with
Figure 5AA and 5AC. Control data in (
K) and (
O) are shared with (
N) and (
R), those in (
L and M) and (
P and Q) are shared with
Figure 5Q and S, and those in (AE-AI) and (AJ-AN) are shared with
Figure 5AE and 5AF. Boxplots in (
O–R and AJ–AN) are depicted as in
Figure 1C. *p<0.05 and ***p<0.001 (Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, n=8). Scale bars, 100 μm.