Gastro-intestinal System Diseases (DSD) |
Stomach problems (Intestinal parasites, nausea, pain, diarrhea); Intestinal problems (Indigestion, loss of appetite, induced appetite, ulcers Gastritis, constipation, malta fever, stomach cleansing, inflammation, nausea). |
Respiratory System Diseases (RSD) |
Common cold (cough with phlegm and nasal congestion); Influenza; Lung problems; and Bronchitis. |
Skin, Eye, Ear, Nose, and Oropharynx Diseases (SST) |
Skin problems (Infections, rashes, allergies, blemishes, and skin whitening); Healing (Wounds, ulcers); Skin irritations (itching, antiseptic); Burns; Contusions; Conjunctivitis (Air in the eyes); Labyrinthitis; Varicose veins; Improve eyesight; and Ear pain. |
Cardiovascular System Diseases (CSD) |
Heart problems; Control high blood pressure; blood Circulation (Hypertensión); and Cholesterol. |
Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Urinary tract Diseases (GUS) |
Menopause; Hormones; Kidney stones; Cysts; and Gonorrhea. |
Musculoskeletal and Joint Diseases (MCT) |
Bone injuries; Rheumatism; Knee pain; Antispasmodic; Tooth cleaning; and Tooth pain. |
Infectious Diseases (IPD) |
Fever; Internal infections (Bacteria); External infections (Fungi); Infestations (Lice and nits); Hepatitis; and Gum inflammation.
Central Nervous System Diseases (CNS) |
Calming (Calms nerves, helps sleep and relaxant) and Analgesic (migraine). |
Malignant diseases (NEP) |
Anemia and Diabetes |
Immunological, poisoning and others (IPO) |
Immunity; Insect bite; and Snakebite. |