Fig. 8. VEGF regulates the balance between endothelial and hemogenic development by controlling NOTCH1 activity.
a Heatmap showing the expression of NOTCH signaling genes with (+VEGF) and without (−VEGF) based on single cell expression data. b Differential gene expression analysis of Dlk1 depicted as Violin plots as described in Fig. 7 from cells cultured with and without VEGF across 6 clusters for n = 2266 cells (black line representing the median and red dot the mean). Differential gene expression taken as + /−0.25 average log2 fold change and adjusted P-value < 0.01 (Bonferroni corrected). c The Dlk1 enhancer 1 analyzed in isolation (Chr12: 109,437,601-109438085) is VEGF responsive. Data are presented as mean values + /−SD. Dots showing individual values for n = 3 biologically independent experiments. P-values calculated using a two-sided Student’s t-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. d–f Core gene regulatory and signaling network regulating blood stem cell emergence. For further details see text.