Table 3.
Panel A: patient portal offers from HCP | |||
Offered | |||
Black or Hispanic (vs White) | −0.0524** (0.0221) | ||
Black (vs White) | −0.0534 (0.0318) | ||
Hispanic (vs White) | −0.0535** (0.0264) |
Panel B: patient portal access | |||
Accessed | Accessed (among offered) | ||
Black or Hispanic (vs White) | −0.0717*** (0.0208) | −0.0792** (0.0332) | |
Black (vs White) | −0.0715** (0.0299) | −0.0778 (0.0419) | |
Hispanic (vs White) | −0.0637** (0.0288) | −0.0691 (0.0452) |
Panel C: patient portal use among those who were offered and accessed their portal | |||
View test results | Download or transmit | Message HCP | |
Black or Hispanic (vs White) | −0.0323 (0.0310) | 0.122*** (0.0367) | 0.0305 (0.0384) |
Black (vs White) | −0.0135 (0.0355) | 0.129*** (0.0444) | 0.0573 (0.0499) |
Hispanic (vs White) | −0.0277 (0.0345) | 0.135*** (0.0507) | 0.0263 (0.0455) |
Note: Panels A–C report marginal effects (ME) derived from separate weighted linear probability models that control for gender, education, income, rurality, insurance status, chronic condition, having a regular healthcare provider, and number of internet access types. The analytical weight is the survey weight interacted with the inverse of the propensity score. Standards errors (SE) are in parentheses. Reported estimates in each cell indicate the marginal effect of being in each risk-exposed group (ie, Black or Hispanic, Black only, or Hispanic only relative to White) on the likelihood of being offered a patient portal (panel A), accessing the portal (panel B), or using the portal to view test results, download or transmit information, and message with a healthcare provider (HCP) (panel C). All analyses control for respondent characteristics and were restricted to respondents who had a healthcare visit in the last year. Full regression output is available in the Appendix. Standard errors are in parentheses.
P < .01,
P < .05.