Table 1.
Clinical and pathology findings of the three fetal demise cases in pregnancies with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Case number and notification date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Fetal sex and GA at pregnancy termination (weeks, days) | Fetal anthropometry* (Weight, g); (Height, cm); (HC, cm) | Macroscopic findings | Microscopic findings | Case conclusion |
1 (01/08/2020) |
Female; 36 2/7 | 2205 (z-score: 0.17); 47 (z-score: −1.26); 32.5 (z-score: 0.18) | -Macerated body, with sloughing of more than 50% of the total body surface -Overlapping head sutures due to softening of the encephalic structures. -Generalized visceral congestion with serohematic fluid in pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities. -External petechiae and congestive appearance in both lungs. -Hepatic subcapsular hematoma. |
-Pulmonary lytic changes, interstitial edema, and alveolar hemorrhage. -Presence of interstitial hemorrhagic foci in the heart. |
Intrauterine death greater than 48 h with signs of hypoxic-ischemic injury. |
2 (14/06/2021) |
Female; 25 2/7 | 700 (z-score: −0.10); NA; NA | -Positional deformity of upper and lower limbs with bilateral dorsiflexion of the feet and hands, and external rotation of the hip. –Thoracic, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities with abundant hemorrhagic effusion. | -Heart: no inflammatory process. -Lung: tubular development phase, consistent with the second trimester, without inflammatory process or morphological alteration in development. | Symmetric intrauterine growth restriction and possible fetal pulmonary hypertension. |
3 (30/06/2021) |
Female 37 1/7 | 2630 (z-score: −0.53); 47 (z-score: −0.24) | Loose nuchal cord. Discrete skin sphacelation. | NA | NA |
Abbreviations: GA: gestational age, g: grams, cm: centimeters, NA: Not available.
*Fetal anthropometric features were calculated via Intergrwoth-21st newborn growth standards, accounting for sex and gestational age.