Fig. 3. DarB interacts with RelBs via the SYNTH domain.
(A) RelBs:DarB primary interaction interface involving α13 and β3 from RelBs and α1, α2, β1, and β2 from DarB. (B) RelBs:DarB secondary interaction interface formed between the α13/β3 connecting loop from RelBs adjacent to the SYNTH active site and the α2/α3 loop of DarB. (C) Superposition of RelBsNTD in the SYNTH-primed state (colored as per Fig. 2C) onto RelBsNTD in the resting state shown in light gray (PDB ID 6YXA). The 20° movement of the HD domain away from the SYNTH domain observed in RelBsNTD in complex with DarB compared with the resting RelBs (PDB ID 6YXA) is indicated with a black arrow.