PV frequency compared with general population. Forest plot demonstrating
the increased frequency of (A) PMS2 and (B)
BRCA1/2 PVs in the prospective
OPTEC cohort. Frequencies and 95% CIs (Clopper-Pearson exact tests) for
OPTEC, three large population studies and the three control populations
combined are shown. The OR of the combined population studies is 13.0
(95% CI, 5.3 to 27.4; P = 5.14 ×
10–7) for PMS2 and 2.1 (95% CI,
1.0 to 3.9; P = .03) for
BRCA1/2. Because the population
studies did not report deletion and insertion mutations, we did not
include the cases with scale mutations in our calculation to avoid
inflations of the ORs. All, HNV, UKB, and ASPREE combined; ASPREE,
ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly trial30; HNV, Healthy Nevada
OPTEC, Ohio Prevention and Treatment of Endometrial Cancer; OR, odds
ratio; PVs, pathogenic variants; UKB, UK Biobank.29