The association between high TMB status and survival of melanoma patients after
anti-PD1/PDL1 treatment is dependent on the sex of the patients. (A) The
distribution of log10(TMB) and the number of single nucleotide
variants per megabase of sequenced genome (x-axis) for male and
female patients for four different melanoma cohorts (Samstein et al,3 Roh et al,8 Liu et al,9 and Valero et al10; y-axis). The
blue-dotted vertical line denotes the FDA-approved TMB threshold for
pembrolizumab of 10 mut/Mb. The number of samples in each group is provided
alongside the respective box plots. The center line, box edges, and whiskers
denote the median, interquartile range, and the rest of the distribution in
respective order, additionally showing outliers. P values of
TMB differences are calculated using a one-tail Wilcoxon rank-sum test and
provided on the right-hand side of each box plot. (B) HRs for male (red) and
female (blue) patients with high TMB (≥ 10 mutation/Mb) versus the rest
(x-axis) in four different melanoma cohorts
(y-axis). Bars represent the standard 95% CIs. The
significance of difference in male versus female hazard ratios is computed using
a Wald test for the contribution of the coefficient of the interaction between
TMB threshold and sex in a Cox proportional-hazards model. FDA, US Food and Drug
Administration; HR, hazard ratio; PD1, programmed cell death protein 1; PDL1,
programmed death-ligand 1; TMB, tumor mutational burden.