Correlation between Expert Evaluation-ST and HRV metrics by Selection Status. Selection Status of 0, shown in red with circular data points, indicates a non-selected participant, and Selection Status of 1, shown in green with triangular data points, indicates a selected participant. Abbreviations: ST, stress tolerance; HRV, Heart Rate Variability. Panel descriptions (A) LF.HF, Ratio of low frequency (LF) to high frequency (HF) band powers; (B) SD1.SD2, Ratio of Poincaré Perpendicular Standard Deviation (SD1) to Poincaré Parallel Standard Deviation (SD2); (C) DFAα1, short-term detrended fluctuation analysis; (D) Max Heart Rate; (E) Mean Heart Rate; (F) Minimum Heart Rate; (G) SI, Stress Index; (H) DFAα2, long-term detrended fluctuation analysis; (I) Max.Min HR, Heart Rate Range; (J) logLF, natural log of LF; (K) logVLF, natural log of Very-Low Frequency; (L) Total Power; (M) RMSSD, Root Mean Square of Successive Differences; (N) SD1; (O) SDNN, Standard Deviation between R-R intervals; (P) SD2; (Q) Mean RR, R to R interval in ECG rhythm; (R) logHF, natural log of HF; (S) pNN50, percentage of successive R-R intervals that deviate greater than 50 ms; (T) NN50, number of R-R intervals that deviate greater than 50 ms.