Fig. 4. Clinical data from subjects in Iran receiving BPCDX.
a, Keratometric and corneal thickness maps from the same subject indicate the thin and steep pre-operative cornea that was substantially thickened and flattened after intrastromal implantation of a 440-µm-thick BPCDX. The corresponding OCT cross-section scans indicate corneal thickness and shape before and after BPCDX implantation, with anterior and posterior borders of the BPCDX indicated by white arrows. The subject had an initial BSCVA of 20/200 that improved to 20/50 at 24 months post-operatively. b,c, Photographs of eyes from two subjects with the BPCDX four months post-operatively, indicating maintenance of corneal transparency. d,e, In vivo confocal microscopy images obtained from a single subject confirming the presence of sub-basal nerves (d) and endothelial cell mosaic (c) 6 months post-operatively. Endothelial cell density was 2,222 ± 62 cells per mm2 in the eye. As only this single subject was imaged by in vivo confocal microscopy, it is unknown if these images are representative. Images in d,e are 400 × 400 µm2.