Extended Data Fig. 1. Southern blotting of genome-edited cell clones.
Genomic DNA of each cell clone was digested with restriction enzymes and the fragments were detected by probes for Nup93 (a), Seh1 (b), Nup153 (c), and Pom121 (d), as well as GFP (a–c) and mCherry (d). The size of the fragments and the probe-binding regions are illustrated in the bottom panels. The clones indicated in red were used for this study. We regarded the clone #32 of Pom121-mCherry as subhomozygous because the protein abundance was much less than expected although the blot indicated homozygous tagging. The following Nup cell lines were validated to be homozygously-tagged in previous reports (Tpr, Nup214 and Nup35817; Nup10712; Nup20511; Nup6218).