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. 2022 Oct 19;280(2):529–542. doi: 10.1007/s00405-022-07701-3

Table 1.

Search strategy details and items retrieved from each consulted database

Database Search query Items retrieved
Medline (“artificial intelligence”[All Fields] OR “machine learning”[All Fields] OR “knowledge engineering”[All Fields] OR “deep learning”[All Fields]) AND (“nose”[MeSH Terms] OR “nose”[All Fields] OR “paranasal sinus”[All Fields] OR “maxillary sinus”[All Fields] OR “ethmoid sinus”[All Fields] OR “sphenoid sinus”[All Fields] OR “frontal sinus”[All Fields] OR “nasal cavity”[All Fields] OR (“rhinology”[Journal] OR “rhinol suppl”[Journal] OR “rhinology”[All Fields])) 311
Web of Science (“artificial intelligence” OR “machine learning” OR “knowledge engineering” OR “deep learning”) AND (nose OR “paranasal sinus” OR “maxillary sinus” OR “ethmoid sinus” OR “sphenoid sinus” OR “frontal sinus” OR “nasal cavity” OR rhinology) 631
Embase (‘artificial intelligence’ OR ‘machine learning’ OR ‘knowledge engineering’ OR ‘deep learning’) AND (‘nose’ OR ‘paranasal sinus’ OR ‘maxillary sinus’ OR ‘ethmoid sinus’ OR ‘sphenoid sinus’ OR ‘frontal sinus’ OR ‘nasal cavity’ OR ‘rhinology’) 444
Scopus TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“artificial intelligence” OR “machine learning” OR “knowledge engineering” OR “deep learning”) AND (nose OR “paranasal sinus” OR “maxillary sinus” OR “ethmoid sinus” OR “sphenoid sinus” OR “frontal sinus” OR “nasal cavity” OR rhinology)) 1038
Cochrane Library (“artificial intelligence” OR “machine learning” OR “knowledge engineering” OR “deep learning”) AND (nose OR “paranasal sinus” OR “maxillary sinus” OR “ethmoid sinus” OR “sphenoid sinus” OR “frontal sinus” OR “nasal cavity” OR rhinology) in Title Abstract Keyword—(Word variations have been searched) 7