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. 2023 Jan 18;13:953. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-28239-2

Table 2.

Plasma levels of classical and alternative renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components in patients with compensated (cACLD) and decompensated cirrhosis (dACLD).

Parameter cACLD (n = 13) dACLD (n = 12) p-value
PRA-S, pmol L−1 (IQR) 51.5 (150.0) 489.7 (710.1) 0.001
ACE-S, (pmol L−1) × (pmol L−1) (IQR) 6.6 (4.4) 3.4 (2.5) 0.022
Ang I, pmol L−1 (IQR) 12.4 (14.4) 93.1 (317.8)  < 0.001
Ang II, pmol L−1 (IQR) 46.2 (136.4) 343.7 (666.4) 0.016
Ang 1–7, pmo L−1 (IQR) 3.0 (0.0) 16.1 (68.3)  < 0.001
Undetectable Ang 1–7, n (%) 12 (92.3%) 2 (16.7%) < 0.001
Ang 1–5, pmol L−1 (IQR) 6.6 (12.8) 33.5 (114.5)  < 0.001
Ang III, pmol L−1 (IQR) 2.5 (0.9) 3.1 (10.5) 0.309
Ang IV, pmol L−1 (IQR) 2.0 (2.8) 5.0 (16.6) 0.141
Aldosterone, pg mL−1 (IQR)a 84.0 (100.7) 383.6 (499.0) 0.007

ACE-S angiotensin converting enzyme surrogate, Ang angiotensin, cACLD compensated advanced chronic liver disease, dACLD decompensated advanced chronic liver disease, IQR interquartile range, PRA-S plasma renin activity surrogate, RAS renin–angiotensin system.

aAvailable in n = 14 patients (cACLD: n = 7; dACLD: n = 7).