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. 2022 May 31;38(1):249–251. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07685-0

Table 1.

Distribution of Selected Characteristics for Patients with Glaucoma Who Report Difficulty Affording Medications in the NIH All of Us Research Program by Race/Ethnicitya

Characteristics NH White individuals NH Black individuals NH Asian individuals Hispanic (any race) Individuals
Total, No. (%) 6732 (68.3) 1501 (15.2) 232 (2.4) 1395 (14.1)
Median age (IQR) 54 (40–66) 51 (40–60) 40 (31–55) 44 (33–56)
Age category, No. (%)
   <40 1588 (23.6) 371 (24.7) 108 (46.6) 559 (40.1)
   40–64 3273 (48.6) 907 (60.4) 95 (40.9) 689 (49.4)
   65–74 1333 (19.8) 178 (11.9) <20 132 (9.5)
   75-84 502 (7.5) 42 (2.8) <20 <20
   ≥85 36 (0.5) <20 <20 <20
Gender, No. (%)
   Female 4900 (72.8) 1175 (78.3) 134 (57.8) 1032 (74.0)
   Male 1638 (24.3) 313 (20.9) 88 (37.9) 312 (22.4)
   Other/skipped 194 (2.9) <20 <20 51 (3.7)
Income, No. (%)
   0–25k 1886 (28.0) 802 (53.4) 58 (25.0) 578 (41.4)
   25k–50k 1842 (27.4) 393 (26.2) 42 (18.1) 420 (30.1)
   50k–100k 1795 (26.7) 233 (15.5) 58 (25.0) 284 (20.4)
   100k–200k 995 (14.8) 65 (4.3) 56 (24.1) 96 (6.9)
   >200k 214 (3.2) <20 <20 <20
Health insurance, No. (%)
   Medicaid 1351 (20.1) 548 (36.5) 37 (15.9) 486 (34.8)
   Other insured 5360 (79.6) 934 (62.2) 192 (82.8) 895 (64.2)
   None 21 (0.3) <20 <20 <20
Education, No. (%)
   No HS diploma 138 (2.0) 97 (6.5) <20 144 (10.3)
   HS diploma/GED 806 (12.0) 305 (20.3) <20 239 (17.1)
   Some college 2412 (35.8) 626 (41.7) 35 (15.1) 525 (37.6)
   College and above 3376 (50.1) 473 (31.5) 186 (80.2) 487 (34.9)
Asked for lower cost medication, No. (%)
   Yes 4017 (59.7) 732 (48.8) 122 (52.6) 674 (48.3)
   No 2715 (40.3) 769 (51.2) 110 (47.4) 721 (51.7)

aPer the All of Us Research Program data sharing policies, cells with less than 20 respondents are suppressed