Table 2.
Variables | Total (N=2610) | DR group (N=455) | Non-DR group (N=2155) | P value |
Age | 63.00 (54.00,70.00) | 65.00 (57.00,71.50) | 63.00 (53.00,70.00) | <0.001 |
Sex | 0.031 | |||
Female | 1317 (50.46) | 251 (55.16) | 1066 (49.47) | |
Male | 1293 (49.54) | 204 (44.84) | 1089 (50.53) | |
Smoking (yes, n, %) | 819 (31.38) | 152 (33.41) | 667 (30.95) | 0.332 |
Alcohol (yes, n, %) | 706 (27.05) | 129 (28.35) | 577 (26.77) | 0.529 |
Hypertension (yes, n, %) | 1005 (38.51) | 286 (62.86) | 719 (33.36) | <0.001 |
CVD (yes, n, %) | 363 (13.91) | 128 (28.13) | 235 (10.90) | <0.001 |
Stroke (yes, n, %) | 176 (6.74) | 55 (12.09) | 121 (5.61) | <0.001 |
Antihypertensive drug (yes, n, %) | 1260 (48.28) | 291 (63.96) | 969 (44.97) | <0.001 |
Statins (yes, n, %) | 1345 (51.53) | 280 (61.54) | 1065 (49.42) | <0.001 |
Fenofibrate (yes, n, %) | 190 (7.28) | 30 (6.59) | 160 (7.42) | 0.602 |
Antiplatelet drug (yes, n, %) | 1493 (57.20) | 331 (72.75) | 1162 (53.92) | <0.001 |
Antidiabetic drug | ||||
Insulin (yes, n, %) | 2003 (76.74) | 377 (82.86) | 1626 (75.45) | 0.001 |
TZD (yes, n, %) | 117 (4.48) | 35 (7.69) | 82 (3.81) | <0.001 |
AGI (yes, n, %) | 872 (33.41) | 186 (40.88) | 686 (31.83) | <0.001 |
SU (yes, n, %) | 985 (37.74) | 170 (37.36) | 815 (37.82) | 0.897 |
DPP4-i (yes, n, %) | 57 (2.18) | 19 (4.18) | 38 (1.76) | 0.003 |
GLP-1 RAs (yes, n, %) | 74 (2.84) | 24 (5.27) | 50 (2.32) | 0.001 |
Met (yes, n, %) | 952 (36.48) | 186 (40.88) | 766 (35.55) | 0.036 |
SGLT2-i (yes, n, %) | 115 (4.41) | 22 (4.84) | 93 (4.32) | 0.715 |
Duration (IQR, years) | 9.00 (4.00,14.00) | 12.00 (7.50,20.00) | 8.00 (4.00,12.00) | <0.001 |
BMI (IQR, kg/m2) | 24.20 (22.00,26.70) | 24.70 (22.40,27.20) | 24.20 (21.80,26.60) | <0.001 |
SBP (IQR, mmHg) | 136.00 (124.00,150.00) | 138.00 (126.00,152.00) | 135.00 (123.00,148.00) | 0.015 |
DBP (IQR, mmHg) | 79.00 (71.00,87.00) | 78.00 (71.00,86.00) | 79.00 (72.00,87.00) | 0.213 |
NP (IQR) | 64.50 (57.18,72.30) | 64.30 (56.80,70.60) | 64.50 (57.25,72.50) | 0.280 |
NLR (IQR) | 2.39 (1.70,3.62) | 2.39 (1.71,3.36) | 2.40 (1.70,3.68) | 0.636 |
PLR (IQR) | 110.89 (83.71,150.00) | 107.00 (84.30,143.44) | 111.45 (83.50,150.59) | 0.191 |
LMR (IQR) | 4.62 (3.30,6.37) | 4.43 (3.40,5.97) | 4.66 (3.27,6.46) | 0.230 |
SII (IQR) | 435.30 (288.25,704.11) | 422.38 (278.28,644.7) | 440.53 (290.38,724.03) | 0.048 |
NPAR (IQR) | 15.60 (13.50,18.20) | 15.70 (13.80,18.20) | 15.50 (13.50,18.10) | 0.234 |
TBIL (IQR, umol/l) | 10.70 (8.10,14.30) | 9.60 (7.50,12.50) | 10.90 (8.30,14.70) | <0.001 |
ALP (IQR, IU/L) | 77.00 (63.00,95.53) | 75.00 (63.00,93.00) | 78.00 (63.60,96.15) | 0.056 |
AST (IQR, IU/L) | 20.00 (16.00,26.00) | 20.00 (16.00,26.00) | 20.00 (16.00,26.00) | 0.556 |
ALT (IQR, IU/L) | 19.65 (14.00,29.73) | 21.00 (14.55,30.00) | 19.10 (14.00,29.50) | 0.211 |
TC (IQR, mmol/l) | 4.58 (3.85,5.34) | 4.29 (3.61,4.97) | 4.63 (3.90,5.43) | <0.001 |
TG (IQR, mmol/l) | 1.55 (1.06,2.38) | 1.49 (1.03,2.20) | 1.56 (1.07,2.42) | 0.087 |
LDL-C (IQR, mmol/L) | 2.56 (1.97,3.19) | 2.29 (1.77,2.90) | 2.61 (2.00,3.25) | <0.001 |
Cr (IQR, umol/l) | 63.40 (51.70,79.20) | 66.20 (52.60,84.25) | 63.00 (51.40,78.15) | 0.009 |
URAC (IQR, umol/l) | 315.25 (255.78,381.33) | 323.80 (264.95,387.65) | 313.40 (254.45,379.30) | 0.056 |
Alb (IQR,g/L) | 41.10 (38.10,43.90) | 40.30 (37.60,43.00) | 41.20 (38.30,44.10) | <0.001 |
HbA1c (IQR, %) | 8.90 (7.40,11.10) | 8.50 (7.30,10.50) | 9.00 (7.40,11.20) | 0.008 |
FBG (IQR, mmol/l) | 9.61 (6.81,14.30) | 9.07 (6.62,13.29) | 9.77 (6.85,14.48) | 0.026 |
eGFR (IQR, ml/min/1.73m2) | 99.45 (79.74,116.89) | 93.92 (75.60,107.16) | 100.89 (81.91,118.77) | <0.001 |
DR, diabetic retinopathy; CVD, cardiovascular disease; TZD, thiazolidinediones; AGI, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors; SU, sulfonylurea; DPP-4i, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor; GLP-1RAs, GLP-1 receptor agonists; Met, metformin; SGLT2-i, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors; BMI, body mass index; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; NP, neutrophil percentage; NLR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; PLR, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio; LMR, lymphocyte to monocyte ratio; SII, systemic immune-inflammation index; NPAR, neutrophil percentage-to-albumin ratio; TBIL, total bilirubin; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglycerides; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Cr, serum levels of creatinine; URAC, uric acid; Alb, albumin; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; FBG, fasting blood glucose; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; IQR, interquartile range.