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. 2023 Jan 5;13:1099302. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.1099302

Table 2.

Univariate analysis of variables associated with DR.

Variables Total (N=2610) DR group (N=455) Non-DR group (N=2155) P value
Age 63.00 (54.00,70.00) 65.00 (57.00,71.50) 63.00 (53.00,70.00) <0.001
Sex 0.031
Female 1317 (50.46) 251 (55.16) 1066 (49.47)
Male 1293 (49.54) 204 (44.84) 1089 (50.53)
Smoking (yes, n, %) 819 (31.38) 152 (33.41) 667 (30.95) 0.332
Alcohol (yes, n, %) 706 (27.05) 129 (28.35) 577 (26.77) 0.529
Hypertension (yes, n, %) 1005 (38.51) 286 (62.86) 719 (33.36) <0.001
CVD (yes, n, %) 363 (13.91) 128 (28.13) 235 (10.90) <0.001
Stroke (yes, n, %) 176 (6.74) 55 (12.09) 121 (5.61) <0.001
Antihypertensive drug (yes, n, %) 1260 (48.28) 291 (63.96) 969 (44.97) <0.001
Statins (yes, n, %) 1345 (51.53) 280 (61.54) 1065 (49.42) <0.001
Fenofibrate (yes, n, %) 190 (7.28) 30 (6.59) 160 (7.42) 0.602
Antiplatelet drug (yes, n, %) 1493 (57.20) 331 (72.75) 1162 (53.92) <0.001
Antidiabetic drug
Insulin (yes, n, %) 2003 (76.74) 377 (82.86) 1626 (75.45) 0.001
TZD (yes, n, %) 117 (4.48) 35 (7.69) 82 (3.81) <0.001
AGI (yes, n, %) 872 (33.41) 186 (40.88) 686 (31.83) <0.001
SU (yes, n, %) 985 (37.74) 170 (37.36) 815 (37.82) 0.897
DPP4-i (yes, n, %) 57 (2.18) 19 (4.18) 38 (1.76) 0.003
GLP-1 RAs (yes, n, %) 74 (2.84) 24 (5.27) 50 (2.32) 0.001
Met (yes, n, %) 952 (36.48) 186 (40.88) 766 (35.55) 0.036
SGLT2-i (yes, n, %) 115 (4.41) 22 (4.84) 93 (4.32) 0.715
Duration (IQR, years) 9.00 (4.00,14.00) 12.00 (7.50,20.00) 8.00 (4.00,12.00) <0.001
BMI (IQR, kg/m2) 24.20 (22.00,26.70) 24.70 (22.40,27.20) 24.20 (21.80,26.60) <0.001
SBP (IQR, mmHg) 136.00 (124.00,150.00) 138.00 (126.00,152.00) 135.00 (123.00,148.00) 0.015
DBP (IQR, mmHg) 79.00 (71.00,87.00) 78.00 (71.00,86.00) 79.00 (72.00,87.00) 0.213
NP (IQR) 64.50 (57.18,72.30) 64.30 (56.80,70.60) 64.50 (57.25,72.50) 0.280
NLR (IQR) 2.39 (1.70,3.62) 2.39 (1.71,3.36) 2.40 (1.70,3.68) 0.636
PLR (IQR) 110.89 (83.71,150.00) 107.00 (84.30,143.44) 111.45 (83.50,150.59) 0.191
LMR (IQR) 4.62 (3.30,6.37) 4.43 (3.40,5.97) 4.66 (3.27,6.46) 0.230
SII (IQR) 435.30 (288.25,704.11) 422.38 (278.28,644.7) 440.53 (290.38,724.03) 0.048
NPAR (IQR) 15.60 (13.50,18.20) 15.70 (13.80,18.20) 15.50 (13.50,18.10) 0.234
TBIL (IQR, umol/l) 10.70 (8.10,14.30) 9.60 (7.50,12.50) 10.90 (8.30,14.70) <0.001
ALP (IQR, IU/L) 77.00 (63.00,95.53) 75.00 (63.00,93.00) 78.00 (63.60,96.15) 0.056
AST (IQR, IU/L) 20.00 (16.00,26.00) 20.00 (16.00,26.00) 20.00 (16.00,26.00) 0.556
ALT (IQR, IU/L) 19.65 (14.00,29.73) 21.00 (14.55,30.00) 19.10 (14.00,29.50) 0.211
TC (IQR, mmol/l) 4.58 (3.85,5.34) 4.29 (3.61,4.97) 4.63 (3.90,5.43) <0.001
TG (IQR, mmol/l) 1.55 (1.06,2.38) 1.49 (1.03,2.20) 1.56 (1.07,2.42) 0.087
LDL-C (IQR, mmol/L) 2.56 (1.97,3.19) 2.29 (1.77,2.90) 2.61 (2.00,3.25) <0.001
Cr (IQR, umol/l) 63.40 (51.70,79.20) 66.20 (52.60,84.25) 63.00 (51.40,78.15) 0.009
URAC (IQR, umol/l) 315.25 (255.78,381.33) 323.80 (264.95,387.65) 313.40 (254.45,379.30) 0.056
Alb (IQR,g/L) 41.10 (38.10,43.90) 40.30 (37.60,43.00) 41.20 (38.30,44.10) <0.001
HbA1c (IQR, %) 8.90 (7.40,11.10) 8.50 (7.30,10.50) 9.00 (7.40,11.20) 0.008
FBG (IQR, mmol/l) 9.61 (6.81,14.30) 9.07 (6.62,13.29) 9.77 (6.85,14.48) 0.026
eGFR (IQR, ml/min/1.73m2) 99.45 (79.74,116.89) 93.92 (75.60,107.16) 100.89 (81.91,118.77) <0.001

DR, diabetic retinopathy; CVD, cardiovascular disease; TZD, thiazolidinediones; AGI, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors; SU, sulfonylurea; DPP-4i, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor; GLP-1RAs, GLP-1 receptor agonists; Met, metformin; SGLT2-i, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors; BMI, body mass index; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; NP, neutrophil percentage; NLR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; PLR, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio; LMR, lymphocyte to monocyte ratio; SII, systemic immune-inflammation index; NPAR, neutrophil percentage-to-albumin ratio; TBIL, total bilirubin; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglycerides; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Cr, serum levels of creatinine; URAC, uric acid; Alb, albumin; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; FBG, fasting blood glucose; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; IQR, interquartile range.