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. 2022 Dec 24;37:103305. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103305

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics for the tumor and stroke patients.

Tumor Stroke
N 196 147
Sex (%)
 Male 128 (65.3) 99 (67.3)
 Female 68 (34.7) 48 (32.7)
Mean age (SD) 50.9 (14.1) 57.4 (12.9)
 Range 21–81 19–82
 Mean educational level (SD)a 5.4 (1.3) 5.3 (1.3)
Hand preference (%)b
 Left 26 (13.3) 18 (12.2)
 Right 163 (83.2) 125 (85.0)
 Ambidexter 1 (0.5) 2 (1.4)
 Unknown 6 (3.1) 2 (1.4)
WHO 2016 classification (%) N.A.
 II + III astrocytoma IDH-M 55 (28.1)
 II + III astrocytoma IDH-WT 12 (6.1)
 II + III oligodendroglioma IDM-M 1p19q 38 (19.4)
 IV glioblastoma IDH-M 4 (2.0)
 IV glioblastoma IDH-WT 72 (36.7)
 Unknown 15 (7.7)
Median lesion volume in cm3 (SD) 66.5 (71.9) 5.8 (27.1)
 Range 1.2–349.1 0.1–233.2
Lesion location (%)
 Left 117 (59.7) 66 (44.9)
 Right 65 (33.2) 66 (44.9)
 Bilateral 14 (7.1) 15 (10.2)

Group differences in clinical characteristics were tested with a Pearson χ2 test or Kruskal-Wallis test when appropriate. Significant difference (p < 0.05) are shown in bold.

aEducational level was assessed using the Verhage criteria (1964).

bHand preference was self-reported.