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. 2023 Jan 5;13:1090994. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1090994


Analysis of variance (ANOVA) combined for total yield (TY), plant height (PH), pods per plant (PPP), seeds per plant (SDPP), seed weight per plant (SWPP), and hundred-grain weight (HGW).

Traits Source Df SS Var % MS F value
Total yield (g) Environment (E) 4 2,138,951.31 38 534,737.83 7,655.17
Genotype (G) 95 820,965.26 14 8,641.74 123.71
G × E 380 2,640,104.76 47 6,947.64 99.46
Residuals 950 66,360.50 1 69.85
Total 1,429 5,666,381.83 100
Plant height (cm) Environment (E) 4 6,855.58 4 1713.90 88.67
Genotype (G) 95 43,388.16 27 456.72 23.63
G × E 380 91,586.43 57 241.02 12.47
Residuals 950 18,361.64 12 19.33
Total 1,429 160,191.82 100
Pods per plant Environment (E) 4 164,481.43 14 41,120.36 233.38
Genotype (G) 95 172,982.32 15 1820.87 10.33
G × E 380 635,297.58 56 1,671.84 9.49
Residuals 950 167,387.14 15 176.20
Total 1,429 1,140,148.46 100
Seeds per plant Environment (E) 4 4,633,323.10 51 1,158,330.78 3,877.80
Genotype (G) 95 958,166.57 11 10,085.96 33.77
G × E 380 3,140,858.43 35 8,265.42 27.67
Residuals 950 283,772.90 3 298.71
Total 1,429 9,016,120.99 100
Seed weight per plant (g) Environment (E) 4 125,820.14 48 31,455.04 3,737.66
Genotype (G) 95 48,558.27 18 511.14 60.74
G × E 380 82,002.25 31 215.80 25.64
Residuals 950 7,994.91 3 8.42
Total 1,429 264,375.57 100
Hundred-grain weight (g) Environment (E) 4 635.83 3 158.96 140.00
Genotype (G) 95 9,594.31 52 100.99 88.95
G × E 380 7,215.98 39 18.99 16.72
Residuals 950 1,078.67 6 1.14
Total 1,429 18,524.80 100 1.14