Phylogenetic trees comprising all locally identified clusters among people with cystic fibrosis at the Colorado Adult CF Program are shown. Reference isolates, including type strains and previously published isolate genomes, are shown as gray circles with labels. Epidemiologically excluded subjects are identified by black squares. The 11 sets of clustered nontuberculous mycobacteria isolates are represented as colored circles, with each letter representing a cluster (A–K). The number in the cluster identifies the subject order based on the first positive culture. The six Mycobacterium abscessus subspecies (ssp.) abscessus clusters are shown with four clusters in the dominant circulating clone 1 (DCC1), (A) enlarged for detail. (B) Two Mycobacterium avium clusters, (C) one Mycobacterium abscessus ssp. massiliense cluster, and (D) two Mycobacterium intracellulare clusters are shown. CF = cystic fibrosis.