Fig. 1. D35 antibody marker level by COVID-19 outcome status in baseline SARS-CoV-2 negative per-protocol vaccine recipients (U.S. study sites).
a Anti-spike IgG concentration, b anti-RBD IgG concentration, and c pseudovirus (PsV) neutralization nAb-ID50 titer (n = 12 cases, n = 639 non-cases for each a–c). The violin plots contain interior box plots with upper and lower horizontal edges the 25th and 75th percentiles of antibody level and middle line the 50th percentile, and vertical bars the distance from the 25th (or 75th) percentile of antibody level and the minimum (or maximum) antibody level within the 25th (or 75th) percentile of antibody level minus (or plus) 1.5 times the interquartile range. At both sides of the box, a rotated probability density curve estimated by a kernel density estimator with a default Gaussian kernel is plotted. Frequencies of participants with positive spike IgG/detectable nAb ID50 responses were computed with inverse probability of sampling weighting (reported at the top of the plots as “Rate”). Pos.Cut, Positivity cut-off for spike IgG defined by IgG >10.8424 BAU/ml, the assay positivity cut-off. ULoQ = 6934 BAU/ml for spike IgG. Positivity cut-off for RBD IgG defined by IgG > 30.6 BAU/ml. ULoQ = 9801 BAU/ml for RBD IgG. Seroresponse for ID50 was defined by a detectable value >limit of detection (LOD) (2.612 IU50/ml). ULoQ = 8319.938 IU50/ml for ID50. Cases experienced the primary COVID-19 endpoint starting 7 days post D35 visit through to the data cut (April 19, 2021). Non-cases are sampled into the immunogenicity subcohort with no evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection (i.e., never tested RT-PCR positive) up to the end of the correlates study period (the data cut-off date April 19, 2021). Source data are provided in Fig. 1 Source Data file. BAU binding antibody unit; D35, Day 35 visit; ID50, 50% inhibitory dilution; nAb neutralizing antibody; RBD receptor binding domain; ULoQ upper limit of quantification.