A-B) PCA of RNAseq (control: n = 14, PWE: n = 10, RE: n = 25) in brain tissue indicated segregation of the RE group from the control group in PCA1 (p = 0.0040). C) In PCA2, there was segregation of the control and PWE groups (p = 0.023), as well as the PWE and RE groups (p = 0.0015). D) Differential expression analysis for each pairwise comparison are indicated, as well as overlap in the number of significant transcripts, at an adjusted p value < 0.05 (dotted line), when comparing E) RE vs. PWE (1516 transcripts), F) RE vs. control (7466 transcripts), and G) PWE vs. control (945 transcripts). Annotations include the number of significantly increased (red arrow) and decreased (blue arrow) transcripts, top 5 altered transcripts are annotated by gene name, and brain and immune cell type annotations for each significant transcript are indicated.