Fig. 2. Boxplots showing the relationship between changes in adipose depot volumes and histologic improvement in NASH.
Relationships (A) between change in sSAT and histologic improvement in NASH (P = 0.911, Wilcoxon test); (B) change in dSAT and histologic improvement in NASH (P = 0.030, Wilcoxon test); (C) change in VAT and histologic improvement in NASH (P = 0.031, Wilcoxon test); (D) change in sSAT, dSAT and VAT for different degrees of change of lobular inflammation score (Spearman’s correlation ρ = −0.1, P = 0.399; ρ = 0.04, P = 0.737, and ρ = 0.21, P = 0.066, respectively); (E) change in sSAT, dSAT and VAT for different degrees of change of portal inflammation score (Spearman’s correlation ρ = −0.13; P = 0.265, ρ = −0.03, P = 0.789, and ρ = −0.15, P = 0.19, respectively); (F) change in sSAT, dSAT and VAT for different degrees of change of hepatocellular ballooning score (Spearman’s correlation ρ = 0.13, P = 0.252; ρ = 0.28, P = 0.015, and ρ = 0.16, P = 0.173, respectively). dSAT, deep subcutaneous adipose tissue; NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; sSAT, superficial subcutaneous adipose tissue; VAT, visceral adipose tissue.