Fig. 5.
EBV-positive polymorphic B cell lymphoproliferative disorder, NOS. Patient with known Crohn’s disease under azathioprine therapy. A Abdominal CT scan reveals enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes and thickening of the rectal intestinal wall (white arrows). B Panoramic view of the rectal biopsy showing an ulcer with a dense polymorphic infiltrate (snap-shot from scanned slide) mimicking an EBV+ mucocutaneous ulcer. C CD3 demonstrates a rim of T cells at the base of the ulcer (snap-shot from scanned slide). D Higher magnification demonstrates a polymorphous infiltrate with Hodgkin and Reed–Sternberg (HRS)-like cells. E CD20 is positive in the large atypical cells, as well as in the small lymphocytes. F CD30 is positive in the B cell infiltrate. G Low-power view of the ulcer with abundant EBER-positive cells (original magnification, ×50). The cells are LMP1-positive (H) and EBNA2-positive (I) revealing an EBV latency 3. (D–F and H–I original magnification, ×400)