Fig. 2.
Kaplan Meier curves comparing time to graft failure in the DSA+ groups (A), non-DSA+ groups (B), all biomarker led care (BLC) vs. all standard care (SC) participants (C), HLA Ab neg groups (D) and all 6 groups (E). In A-D, Blue (unbroken) line = patients in unblinded, BLC arm. Red (broken) line = patients in blinded SC arm. The number at risk of graft failure at each time point is shown beneath the graph, followed by (in brackets) the number of graft failures. NB. One HLA-Ab-negative participant in the blinded (SC) group who developed DSA on re-screening was not included in this analysis as the graft failed prior to re-screening, so they were not at risk for the purpose of this analysis.