Table 2.
Status of the private health sector arrangements in the six countries and feasibility of engagement in the implementation of EPHS
Political situation and stability | Afghanistan | Ethiopia | Pakistan | Somalia | Sudan | Zanzibar |
Fragile and conflict affected | Fragile and conflict affected | Politically volatile | Fragile and conflict affected | Post conflict, politically volatile | Political stable | |
Types of private providers and policy framework towards PHS | ||||||
Types of PHS providers and their contribution to delivery of services |
Policy framework towards the PHS |
Current level of relationship/partnership between the public and PHS |
Financial and service contribution of the PHS to the delivery of services | ||||||
Private expenditure as % of THE | 75% (2009) 77% (2019) |
– | 56.8%* | – | 70.3%† | – |
Out-of-pocket as % of THE | 77%‡ | – | 51.9%* | 47% | 66.95%† | 16% |
Prepaid plans+social security as % of THE | Negligible | – | 0.9%* | 2% | SHI as % of THE=6.43%; SHI as % of GGHE 24.62%† | |
PHS % annual total outpatient visits | NA | – | 75%–80% mainly curative services | 60% services provided by the PHS | NA | 47% services by PHS mainly is curative |
PHS % of inpatient episodes or hospital visits (year) | NA | – | NA; Bed density in PHS<3/10 000; public sector 6/10 000 | – | NA | |
Policies and interventions used or piloted to engage the PHS in delivering health services and/or essential packages of health services | ||||||
Outsourcing/contracting out |
None |
NHIF, Jubilee and Strategies insurance company contracts with private facilities to deliver services |
Social marketing or franchising |
Some |
NA |
Social (health) insurance |
No |
NA |
Demand side interventions (vouchers or cash transfers) |
No |
NA |
*National Health Accounts 2017–2018.
†Sudan System of Health Accounts 2018.
‡National Health Accounts 2019.
§National Health Insurance Annual Report 2021.
BPHS, benefit package of health services; EPHS, essential package of health services; EU, European Union; FMoH, Federal Ministry of Health; GGHE, general government health expenditure; GPs, General Practitioners; MOH, Ministry of Health; MOPH, Ministry of Public Health; NA, not available; NGOs, non-governmental organisations; NHIF, National Health Insurance Fund; ORS, oral rehydration salts; PHS, private health sector; PPP, public–private partnership; RMNCH, reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health; SHI, social health insurance; THE, total health expenditure; WB, World Bank.