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. 2023 Jan 18;13(1):e062688. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062688

Table 2.

Characteristics of studies evaluating nudge interventions to improve antibiotic prescribing in primary care

Author Country Sample size Infections targeted Nudge intervention/s Outcomes of interest Overall risk of bias*
Awad et al34 Sudan 20 practices All Social norm feedback No. of consultations with AB;
No. of consultations with an inappropriate AB†
BETA35 50 Australia 6608 physicians All Social norm feedback No. of ABs per 1000 consultations Moderate
Bradley et al36 Northern Ireland 331 practices All Social norm feedback No. of ABs per 1000 registered population Moderate
Chang56 China 163 physicians All Social norm feedback No. of AB prescriptions per 100 prescriptions Moderate
Curtis et al51 England 1401 practices All Social norm feedback % broad spectrum AB of all AB Low
Gerber et al37 USA 162 physicians RTI Social norm feedback % broad spectrum ABs among children with AB prescription;
ABs for viral RTI
Hallsworth et al38 England 1581 practices All Social norm feedback No. of ABs per 1000 registered population Low
Hemkens et al39 Switzerland 2900 physicians All Social norm feedback Antibiotic DDD per 1000 consultations Low
Hürlimann et al40 Switzerland 136 practices RTI; UTI Social norm feedback % AB prescriptions for upper RTIs;
% penicillins for RTI;
% trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole for UTI
Kronman et al52 USA 57 physicians RTI Social norm feedback % of RTI with AB prescribed Low
Lagerløv et al41 Norway 199 physicians UTI Social norm feedback % inappropriate ABs for UTI High
Mainous et al42 USA 216 physicians RTI Social norm feedback % inappropriate AB treatments Low
Meeker et al43 USA 14 physicians RTI Public commitment No. of ABs per 100 AB inappropriate RTIs Moderate
Meeker et al44 USA 244 physicians RTI Social norm feedback, accountable justification, suggested alternatives No. of ABs per 100 AB inappropriate RTIs Moderate
O'Connell et al45 Australia 2440 physicians All Social norm feedback No. of ABs per 100 consultations Moderate
Persell et al46 USA 28 physicians RTI Social norm feedback, accountable justification, suggested alternatives No. of ABs per 100 RTIs;
No. of ABs per 100 AB inappropriate RTIs
Ratajczak et al47 England 6995 practices All Social norm feedback No. of ABs per 1000 registered population Moderate
Søndergaard et al48 Denmark 299 physicians RTI Social norm feedback No. of ABs per 1000 registered population Moderate
Yang et al49 China 20 practices (54 physicians) RTI Public reporting % of RTI consultations with AB;
% of RTI consultations with >1 AB

*Risk of bias assessed using the Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care group’s tool for studies with a control group. Overall rating assigned ‘low’ when all criteria were ‘low’ risk; ‘medium’ when 1–2 criteria were scored ‘unclear’ or ‘high’ risk; and ‘high’ when >2 criteria were scored ‘unclear’ or ‘high’ risk.

†Inappropriate with respect to antibiotic, doses and/or duration.

AB, antibiotic; DDD, defined daily doses; RTI, respiratory tract infection; UTI, urinary tract infection.