Selective trityl–NO
and Gd3+–NO PELDOR
of a mixture containing BtuB(trityl), BtuF(Gd3+), and T-CNCbl(NO)
in the native membranes. 20 μM of BtuB and BtuF was mixed with
the indicated concentrations of T-CNCbl. (a, b) The observed interactions
are highlighted on the corresponding structures. The primary data
were globally analyzed using (c) a two Gaussian model (Figure 2h) or TR (d) with the DeerLab
program. (e) The obtained distance distributions and the simulation
for BtuF–T-CNCbl distances (PDB 1N4A, dotted line) are shown. (f) The Δ
values as obtained from (c) and (d) are plotted against T-CNCbl concentration.
For BtuB and BtuF, saturation occurs at ≤10 and 40 μM,
respectively. Excess T-CNCbl beyond these points further decreases
the Δ.