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FIG. 1.

FIG. 1

Map of pYVe8081 showing significant genes, IS elements, and replication and partition regions. The direction of transcription is clockwise for genes shown inside the circle and counterclockwise for genes shown outside the circle. Green boxes indicate genes comprising the LCR stimulon, and a purple box indicates yadA. Yellow boxes indicate genes with replication and partition functions. Pink boxes indicate previously identified genes of unknown function, and potential new genes are indicated by light blue boxes. IS elements are indicated by dark blue boxes. IS remnants shown in this figure are discussed in the text. IS-like indicates IS element remnants with less than 90% DNA identity to the GenBank match. ISYen-p is a truncated homologue of ISYen1. The positions of the virB operon (yscN to yscU) and the virC operon (yscA to yscM1) are noted in boldface on the outside of the circle. The inner circle shows the scale in kilobase pairs.