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FIG. 3.

FIG. 3

Comparison of the sycT-yopD region in pYVe8081 to corresponding regions in pYVe227 and pCD1. The different colors represent different DNA segments. White segments are not present in pYVe8081. Arrows under the plasmid maps show the orientation of DNA segments. Numbers indicate nucleotide positions in base pairs for each plasmid. Sequences of pYVe227 and pCD1 are from the GenBank database (accession no. AF102990 and AF074612, respectively). Remnants orf61*, orf60*, and orf54* are truncated ORFs in pYVe8081 that show homology to intact genes (orf61, orf60, and orf54) in pCD1. Genes encoding YopM and ORF91B are also labeled. Arrows within genes show the direction of transcription. White arrows indicate the positions of the long repeated sequences R1, R2, and R3, referred to in the text. Only intact IS elements are shown.