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Putative genes of unknown function in pYVe8081

Gene Position (bp)a Shine-Dalgarno sequence and start codon Homologous protein by BLAST (target) % Homologyb Accession no. (reference)
orf91B 8949–9167 AGAAGN4ATG Unknown protein from pYVe227 91/75 AF080156 (21)
orf76 40996–41292 AGGACGN4ATG Unknown protein from pCD1 93/100 AF074612 (39)
orf75 c41131–41433 GGTGN10GTG Unknown protein from pCD1 94/100 AF074612 (39)
orf80 c41426–41668 GGAGGN4ATG Unknown protein from pYVe227 100/100 AF056093 (21)
orf73 c45372–45587 AGGAGN6ATG No database match
yomA c46108–46983 GGTGN10ATG Unknown protein (YomA) from pYVe227 97/100 AF056092 (21)
orf78 c50936–51244 GGAGGN3ATG No database match
orf79 c51244–51873 AGGTGN5ATG Partition protein from Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 26/99 AF302424
orf81 c52048–52782 GCGGAN7ATG Possible site-specific recombinase on the F plasmid 50/99 AP001918
orf83 c52919–53116 GGAGCN10ATG No database match
orf86 c54868–55134 AGGAGGN5ATG Unknown protein from Erwinia amylovora 76/55 AF264951 (28)
orf155 55296–55727 AGAGN7GTG Possible chaperone from pCD1 95/100 AF074612 (39)
orf106 c61616–62167 GGCAN2ATG Possible endonuclease from Y. pestis pMT1 43/76 AF074611 (24)

“c” denotes a gene encoded on the minus strand. 


Percentage of identical amino acids compared with the percentage of the total target protein sequence.