Figure 1.
(a) Results of core genome multi locus sequence typing (cgMLST) of C. difficile isolates. Numbers next to the branches indicate numbers of allelic differences in the core genome. In brackets, the number of SNPs within the core genome is indicated. cgMLST classified the eight isolates into five genetic groups. Three isolates were singletons, while the other five isolates were grouped into two clusters (marked in grey) with two and three isolates, respectively. Each node represents a cgMLST sequence type (cgST) which was coloured according to their ST (classical MLST) classification. (b) Geographic origin (according to postal code) of the corresponding samples to the isolates. 19S0160 and 19S0161 (green; RT 015) originated from the same husbandry. RT 002/2 isolates (19S0260, 19S0162, 19S0264; red) originated from husbandries in Saxony-Anhalt which were close to each other, as did 19S0266 (purple; RT 029). 19S0136 (blue; RT 078) originated from a husbandry in Saxony. Figures were created with Ridom™ SeqSphere+ (v. 8.2.0) [16].