Table S1.
List of first and second order unfiltered parameters extracted from PET and CT images on LifeX software
First order | Second order |
1.Conventional/Discretized CONV/DISCRET_min, mean, max, std) CONV/DISCRET_peak 0.5 mL CONV/DISCRET_peak 1 mL CONV/DISCRET_CAS CONV/DISCRET_TLG (for TP, MN) CONV/DISCRET_RIM_(min, mean, sd, max) CONV/DISCRET_(Q1, Q2, Q3) 2. Histogram (HISTO): The histogram features consist of simple statistics that are asso- ciated with pixel values in images while the spatial patterns of the pixel values are not included. Entropy and energy are calculated. HISTO_Skewness HISTO_Kurtosis HISTO_Entropy_log10 HISTO_Entropy log2 HISTO_Energy AUC_CSH 3.Shape value Shape_Sphericity Shape_Compacity Shape_Volume_mL Shape_Volume_vx Shape_SurfaceArea |
1.Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) GLCM_Homogeneity GLCM_Energy GLCM_Contrast GLCM_Correlation GLCM_Entropy GLCM_Dissimilarity 2.Gray-Level Run Length Matrix (GLRLM)- The GLRLM describes the number of the consecutive pixels of the same gray-level value for 4 directions in 2D or 13 directions in 3D GLRLM_SRE (Short run emphasis) GLRLM_LRE (Long run emphasis) GLRLM_LGRE (Low gray-level run emphasis) GLRLM_HGRE (High gray-level run emphasis) GLRLM_SRLGE (Short run low gray-level emphasis) GLRLM_SRHGE (Short run high gray-level emphasis) GLRLM_LRGLE (Long run low gray-level emphasis) GLRLM_LRHGE (Long run high gray-level emphasis) GLRLM_GLNU (Gray-level non-uniformity) GLRLM_RLNU (Run length non-uniformity) GLRLM_RP (Run percentage) 3.Neighborhood Gray-Level Different Matrix (NGDLM): Described the difference of grey levels between adjacent voxels in 2D and 26 in 3D NGLDM_Coarseness NGLDM_Contrast NGLDM_Busyness 4. Gray-Level Zone Length Matrix (GLZLM) : Describes the number of homogenous zones of the same grey level value in 2D or 3D GLZLM_SZE (Short-zone emphasis) GLZLM_LZE (Long-zone emphasis) GLZLM_LGZE (Low gray-level zone emphasis) GLZLM_HGZE (High gray-level zone emphasis) GLZLM_SZLGE (Short-zone low gray-level emphasis) GLZLM_SZHGE (Short-zone high gray-level emphasis) GLZLM_LZGLE (Long-zone low gray-level emphasis) GLZLM_LZHGE (Long-zone high gray-level emphasis) GLZLM_GLNU (Gray-level non-uniformity for zone) GLZLM_ZLNU (Zone length non-uniformity) GLZLM_ZP (Zone percentage) |
HISTO: Histogram, GLCM: Gray level co-occurrence matrix, GLRLM: Gray-level run-length matrix, SRE: Short-run emphasis, LRE: Long-run emphasis, LGRE: Low gray-level run emphasis, HGRE: High gray-level run emphasis, SRLGE: Short-run low gray-level emphasis, SRHGE: Short-run high gray-level emphasis, LRGLE: Long-run low gray-level emphasis, LRHGE: Long-run high gray-level emphasis, GLNU: Gray-level nonuniformity, RLNU: Run-length nonuniformity, RP: Run percentage, NGDLM: Neighborhood gray-level different matrix, GLZLM: Gray-level zone length matrix, SZE: Short-zone emphasis, LZE: Long-zone emphasis, LGZE: Low gray-level zone emphasis, HGZE: High gray-level zone emphasis, SZLGE: Short-zone low gray-level emphasis, SZHGE: Short-zone high gray-level emphasis, LZGLE: Long-zone low gray-level emphasis, LZHGE: Long-zone high gray-level emphasis, ZLNU: Zone length nonuniformity, ZP: Zone percentage, AUC: Area under the curve, PET: Positron-emission tomography, CT: Computed tomography, CSH: : Cumulative standardized uptake value (SUV)-volume histogram , CAS: Calcium Agatston Score, TLG: Total Lesion Glycolysis, RIM: Radial Intensity Mean