The dyshomeostasis hypothesis showing three processes or systems, A, B, and C. Upper panel: functioning normally, homeostasis resets any process that strays into disequilibrium. Upper left: A, B, and C are shown in equilibrium (green color). Upper center: A has fallen out of equilibrium (red) and requires a reset. Upper right: A is reset, and all three processes have returned to equilibrium. Lower panel: a non-resetting state of chronic dyshomeostasis is shown. Centre left: three systems A, B, and C in equilibrium (all green). Centre: A is out of equilibrium and requires a reset. Right: the system fails to reset and remains in disequilibrium. Lower left: A and B both are out of equilibrium. Lower center: A and C are out of equilibrium. Lower right: B and C are out of equilibrium. The system as a whole remains in unstable disequilibrium.