aPersons with time conflicts, persons who stated they were not interested, and persons who did not return screening telephone calls.
bParticipants may have been ineligible for more than 1 reason.
cParticipants who said they were unable to participate due to personal circumstances in their lives.
dOther reasons included change in activities due to injury (n = 7), type 1 diabetes (n = 7), staff believed participant was unable or unwilling to change dietary and exercise behaviors (n = 6), contacted study after recruitment closed (n = 5), spouse enrolled in study (n = 4), financial constraints (n = 3), previously enrolled (n = 3), blind (n = 2), unable to speak English (n = 1), community advisory board member (n = 1), and location of center inconvenient (n = 1).
eOther reasons included desire for compensation (n = 6), staff believed participant was unable or unwilling to change dietary and exercise behaviors (n = 5), planned knee surgery/injection (n = 5), planned on being away for more than 2 months during study period (n = 4), enrolled in another study (n = 3), spouse enrolled in study (n = 1), and double knee replacement (n = 1).
fSerious adverse events included cancer (n = 1) and severe cardiovascular complications/hospitalization (n = 1).
gSerious adverse events included cancer (n = 3), motor vehicle collision (n = 1), and cerebral edema (n = 1).