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. 2023 Jan 9;12(2):311. doi: 10.3390/foods12020311

Table 1.

Two-way ANOVA showing the effect of steam treatment on thephysico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation atdifferent storage intervals of sugarcane juice.

Source of Variation Degrees of Freedom Mean Sum of Square
˚Brix (%) Total Sugars (%) Reducing Sugars
pH Value Titrable Acidity
Phenolic Content
Color and Appearance Flavor Acceptability
Treatment (T) 3 3.757 ** 1.311 ** 0.0024 0.394 ** 0.749 ** 2.313 ** 51.844 ** 35.974 ** 43.934 **
Time (ST)
3 19.881 ** 18.991 ** 0.345 ** 3.017 ** 1.476 ** 15.747 ** 63.623 ** 65.704 ** 88.650 **
T × ST 9 0.825 ** 0.128 * 0.008 ** 0.078 ** 0.175 ** 1.476 ** 8.983 ** 10.226 ** 11.178 **
Treatment/Traits ˚Brix Total Sugars Reducing Sugars pH Value Titrable Acidity Phenolic Content Color and Appearance Flavor Acceptability
Control 19.50 b 18.63 b 0.64 a 4.75 b 1.11 a 2.41 b 3.09 b 2.86 b 2.9 b
5 min at 7 psi 19.68 b 18.62 b 0.68 a 4.74 b 1.17 a 2.29 c 3.13 b 2.57 b 2.79 b
10 min at 7 psi 20.56 a 19.11 a 0.66 a 5.05 a 0.71 b 3.11 a 6.71 a 5.68 a 5.98 a
15 min at 7 psi 20.54 a 19.26 a 0.66 a 5.07 a 0.70 b 3.10 a 6.72 a 5.73 a 6.03 a
Storage time
0 days 21.13 a 19.92 a 0.49 d 5.36 a 0.49 d 3.85 a 8.15 a 7.43 a 8.17 a
15 days 20.78 a 19.47 b 0.55 c 5.09 b 0.88 c 3.40 b 4.67 b 3.89 b 4.18 b
30 days 20.14 b 19.15 c 0.72 b 4.97 b 0.97 b 2.38 c 4.08 c 3.68 b 4.05 b
60 days 18.24 c 17.08 d 0.87 a 4.19 c 1.34 a 1.27 d 2.75 d 1.83 c 1.60 c
Coefficient of variation (%) 2.351 1.313 6.844 2.476 7.726 4.052 6.322 9.97 3.756

* denotes significant at 5% and ** denotes significant at 1% probability levels. Different alphabet superscripts in the treatment and storage time denote they were significantly different compared to the others (Tukey’s post hoc tests, p < 0.05).