Figure 6.
Analysis of samples with symptoms from Roscoff and Helgoland. (A) NMDS analysis of the microbiome composition. Results do not show a separation of the healthy and symptomatic samples (PERMANOVA p > 0.05). (B) Box plot of alpha-diversity (Shannon H index) across different sample types calculated at the ASV level. Error bars correspond to the range; n = 51, conditions do not differ significantly (Mann–Whitney pairwise test, p > 0.05). (C) Microbiome composition of healthy and symptoms samples at the phylum level. Bars show the relative abundance of 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding sequences; all phyla were detected in all sample types, and only their relative abundance varied. Proteobacteria_NA: unclassified Proteobacteria. (D) NMDS analysis of the microbiome composition depending on the symptoms.