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. 2023 Jan 9;20(2):1134. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20021134

Table 4.

Adjusted odds ratios (OR) of impaired lung function in relation to socioeconomic, personal behavior pattern, parental, and household factors in children 1.

Variables FEV6 FEV3 FEF25 FEF50 FIVC FIV1 FIV1/
Age (yr) 0.964 0.872 0.979 0.938 0.765 0.711 1.021 0.493 ** 1.072 0.875 1.066 2.271 ** 1.481
Height (cm) 1.086 * 1.126 ** 1.068 1.038 1.110 * 1.180 ** 1.070 1.026 1.035 0.965 1.050 0.978 1.133
Weight (kg) 0.932 * 0.905 ** 0.947 0.972 0.911 * 0.896 ** 0.934 1.004 0.984 1.006 0.958 1.004 0.947
BMI (kg/m2) 1.090 1.091 1.079 1.043 1.153 * 1.092 1.071 0.998 1.008 0.996 1.028 1.012 1.082
District (ref: rural) 0.574 * 0.454 * 0.738 1.773 1.367 0.834 0.757 2.179 0.263 ** 0.772 0.351 * 0.582 0.704
Sex (ref: female) 1.086 1.162 0.818 0.741 1.273 1.955 1.019 0.786 1.224 1.344 0.983 1.651 1.017
Breast feeding < 4 month (ref: no) 0.859 0.482 0.736 0.736 0.432 0.197 * 0.490 0.670 0.553 0.702 0.638 1.291 0.089
Breast feeding 4~6 month (ref: no) 0.988 0.552 0.914 0.690 0.156 * 0.165 * 0.741 0.066 ** 3.942 * 2.280 2.301 2.762 0.817
Breast feeding > 6 month (ref: no) 1.258 1.185 0.921 0.668 0.258 0.313 1.277 0.876 0.863 0.968 0.837 1.030 0.277
Open window in summer (hour/d) 0.935 1.007 0.905 * 1.010 0.978 1.001 1.042 0.941 0.989 0.973 0.978 1.035 0.645 *
Open window in autumn (hour/d) 1.111 * 1.050 1.050 0.960 1.054 1.004 0.900 1.249 * 1.049 1.057 1.062 0.934 /
Open window in winter (hour/d) 0.908 * 0.966 0.955 0.994 0.940 0.999 1.072 0.933 1.025 0.973 0.968 1.118 * 1.354
Use air condition in summer (hour/d) 1.007 0.973 1.130 * 1.112 * 1.116 1.049 0.937 0.983 0.986 0.994 1.006 0.979 /
Use air condition in autumn (hour/d) 0.998 0.995 0.779 1.084 0.718 * 0.871 1.105 1.086 0.876 1.116 0.885 0.693 * /
Use air condition in winter (hour/d) 0.978 0.991 0.919 0.910 0.940 1.024 1.029 0.949 1.048 0.943 1.001 1.103 2.274
Home renovation (ref: no) 2.786 ** 1.527 1.565 0.814 1.087 1.542 0.553 0.682 1.223 0.800 1.900 1.936 17.195
Presence of pets (ref: no) 1.123 1.228 0.939 1.875 1.566 2.139 2.227 0.760 1.108 1.253 1.461 0.782 /
Presence of mold (ref: no) 0.684 0.616 0.544 0.391 0.533 0.960 0.342 0.421 0.847 1.500 1.010 3.512 0.744
Mosquito coil use (ref: no) 1.085 0.834 1.429 1.038 1.480 0.603 0.258 ** 0.667 0.785 1.023 0.880 0.870 2.424
Air freshener use (ref: no) 0.604 0.618 0.974 1.024 0.733 0.900 1.954 2.018 1.655 2.604 * 1.967 0.840 0.027
Air purifier use (ref: no) 1.457 1.493 1.013 0.753 0.709 1.099 0.630 1.061 0.850 0.892 0.685 0.699 1.599
Enclosed kitchen (ref: no) 1.029 1.393 1.230 0.992 0.787 1.255 0.748 0.778 1.490 1.389 1.933 0.901 9.456
Coal fuel use (ref: no) 1.323 1.959 0.276 0.531 0.539 1.138 2.435 3.035 0.353 0.269 0.606 0.526 /
Ventilation use during cooking (ref: no devices)
Hood use 0.940 1.320 0.821 0.903 3.425 1.719 0.550 0.509 0.455 0.830 0.451 1.577
Fan use 0.964 3.552 0.263 0.118 1.662 0.668 0.407 0.100 0.809 1.619 0.271 6.866
Paternal occupation (ref: no stable income)
Father being blue collar 0.674 0.654 0.639 0.676 1.560 2.418 1.792 2.218 1.074 0.715 1.281 1.185 0.841
Father being white collar 0.845 1.043 0.300 * 0.403 1.028 1.111 0.877 2.226 1.180 0.364 * 1.563 0.778 0.078
Mother occupation (ref: no stable income)
Mother being blue collar 1.195 1.691 2.222 2.289 0.767 0.536 0.463 1.026 0.825 1.248 0.634 0.645 23.601
Mother being white collar 0.513 0.758 3.650 * 4.116 ** 1.449 0.766 0.507 0.730 0.851 2.131 0.553 0.804 4.187
Paternal education (ref: <College) 0.705 0.921 0.383 0.611 0.471 0.539 0.431 1.802 1.022 0.633 1.234 0.337 * 0.924
Maternal education (ref: <College) 1.195 0.769 1.146 0.702 0.945 0.557 1.549 0.842 0.377 0.698 0.411 1.380 0.016
Sleep in own room (ref: yes) 1.771 1.839 1.292 1.448 1.804 2.242 2.855 * 3.525 ** 0.928 1.197 0.661 0.785 0.011
Sleep in own bed (ref: yes) 0.976 0.839 1.528 1.023 0.612 0.594 0.703 0.226 ** 1.252 1.329 1.517 1.461 17.928
Paternal bronchitis (ref: no) 0.253 0.511 3.300 0.813 0.934 0.184 * 0.960 2.977 0.334 0.568 0.319 1.066 0.006
Maternal bronchitis (ref: no) 0.785 0.650 0.246 0.324 3.205 3.457 0.413 0.554 2.227 0.991 1.705 1.187 0.041
Whether preterm birth (ref: no) 4.133 ** 3.370 * 1.607 2.262 9.518 * 2.927 1.318 1.482 1.447 0.850 2.021 1.074 38.675
Height stunting (ref: no) 1.278 0.126 0.386 0.217 / / 0.100 0.052 / / / 21.170 * 61.050
Intake vegetable: (ref: 0–3 times/month)
1–6 times/week 0.902 0.845 4.955 9.259 / / 2.461 / 2.991 0.213 1.479 / /
1–3 times/day 2.222 1.478 1.195 1.776 / / 0.882 / 2.124 0.266 0.875 / /
Intake fruit: (ref: 0–3 times/month)
1–6 times/week 0.242 0.399 3.685 1.784 0.084 0.100 / 0.781 0.238 0.904 0.158 1.165 /
1–3 times/day 0.126 0.151 12.054 * 3.750 0.260 0.152 / 1.393 0.294 0.880 0.173 0.409 /
Intake dairy (ref: 0–3 times/month)
1–6 times/ week 0.573 1.012 2.641 0.772 6.900 2.597 0.480 2.224 3.940 3.166 3.255 3.423 /
1–3 times/ day 0.351 2.268 0.880 0.517 3.447 1.903 0.307 1.468 2.931 2.993 3.735 4.872 /
Intake seafood (ref: 0–3 times/ month)
1–6 times/week 1.125 0.955 1.285 1.881 0.956 0.670 0.557 1.339 0.620 1.106 0.475 0.520 /
1–3 times/day 0.813 0.419 1.551 1.629 1.492 0.559 0.455 3.202 0.960 0.504 0.462 0.390 /
Intake highcalorie food (ref: 0–3 times/month)
1–6 times/week 0.995 0.860 0.820 1.310 1.016 0.463 0.212 0.583 1.146 1.668 1.381 1.187 /
1–3 times/day 1.115 2.514 0.826 0.935 0.163 0.057 * 0.013 0.834 0.466 0.327 1.254 3.394 /
Doing physical exercise (ref: <30 min /day) 2.265 * 1.892 1.798 1.789 2.463 2.163 1.344 1.807 0.791 0.837 0.924 1.858 /
ETS exposure (ref: no) 1.293 2.050 1.307 1.027 0.513 0.678 0.736 2.198 1.818 1.511 1.823 0.537 0.975
Air pollution exposure duringcommuting (ref: no) 2.113 2.195 0.522 1.022 1.524 1.024 1.050 0.745 1.598 0.797 1.751 1.717 0.140

1 Since no valid OR values were obtained for FET and FEV3/FVC, the ORs were not shown in the table. /: no data since the effect was too low. *: p <0.05; **, p < 0.01.