The profound discrepancy with other sources |
Outdated information |
Information coming from crap sites |
Information is shared by a small number of people |
Lack of scientific references |
Suspicious sponsorship |
Use of an emphatic tone |
Coming from unreliable, unverifiable, and private sources |
Insufficient and illogical arguments |
Vague information |
Typos and misspelled organ names |
A continuing contradiction regarding the subject dealt with |
Denied by competent people |
They were at odds with other sources |
Lack of tangible arguments |
In contrast with previously acquired information and personal knowledge |
Published on a fake site |
Not in line with recognized medical standards |
In contrast with expert opinions |
Too distant from other given information |
Not supported by feedback from doctors |
Retouched photos and grammatical errors |
Exaggeration in diagnosis |