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. 2023 Jan 6;20(2):1056. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20021056

Table 1.

Characteristics of food groups [30].

No. Food Groups FFQ Dietary Products
1. Low-fat dairy
Milk 1–2% fat, Buttermilk 0.5% fat
Cocoa w/ milk 1–2% fat, Cottage cheese, Low-fat yoghurt, Kefir
2. Full-fat dairy
Milk 3.2% fat, Milk 3.2% fat (from mixed dish—oatmeal w/ milk), Feta Greek cheese
Granulated cottage cheese w/ sour cream, Cheese, Edam cheese, Fromage cheese, Yoghurt 2–8% fat, Sour cream 12% fat, Sour cream 18% fat
Sour cream 18% fat (from mixed dish—salad w/sour cream)
3. Whole grains Whole-meal rye bread, Mixed bread w/ rye and wheat flour w/ sunflower seeds, Buckwheat groats, boiled, Barley groats, boiled, Pasta w/ durum, boiled, Oatmeal (from mixed dish—oatmeal w/milk)
4. Refined grains Wheat bread, white, White rice, boiled, Wheat roll, white, Mixed bread w/ rye and wheat flour, white, Cornflakes
5. Fats w/o oils Butter, Lard, Fat spread w/ butter, Mayonnaise, Margarine, soft
6. Raw fruit Apple, Banana, Grapefruit, Grapes, Mandarin, Strawberries, Kiwi fruit, Lemon, Orange, Pear, Peach, Prunes, Raspberries
7. Fruit juices Orange juice; Raspberry juice; Carrot juice; Apple juice; Grapefruit juice; Black currant juice; Multifruit juice (local fruits); Multifruit juice (exotic fruits)
8. Raw vegetables Cabbage red, raw; Chinese cabbage, raw; Cabbage white, raw; Carrot, raw
Cauliflower, raw; Chives; Cucumber, raw; Garlic cloves, raw; Salad, leaves; Onion, raw
Parsley, leaves; Horseradish; Red pepper, raw; Radish; Tomato, raw; Sauerkraut salad
Chinese cabbage salad w/ mayonnaise; Salad (from mixed dish—salad w/ sour
9. Cooked vegetables Kidney beans, cooked; Beetroot, cooked; Broccoli; Cabbage white, cooked; Carrot, cooked; Cauliflower, cooked, w/butter; Mushrooms, fried; Red pepper, cooked
Tomatoes, cooked; Tomato passata; Spinach, cooked; Zucchini, cooked
Green beans, cooked; Corn, canned; Peas, canned; Salad of mixed cooked vegetables w/ mayonnaise
10. Potatoes Potatoes, boiled; Potatoes, mashed; French fries
11. Lean meat Chicken w/ skin boiled/fried; Chicken w/o skin boiled/fried Turkey, roasted
12. Red meat Beef, cutlets; Beef ham, boiled; Pork, bacon; Cutlets of ground beef and pork, fried; Offal
13. Meat w/
Chicken nuggets; Pork chops, w/ breadcrumbs
14. Processed
Chicken ham; Sausage; Luncheon meat, pork; Pork ham; Sausage, pork, smoked (traditional polish); Sausage, mixed beef/pork, smoked (traditional polish); Sausage, pork, white, boiled (traditional polish); Turkey ham; Turkey sausage ham; Brawn; Chicken pâté
15. Eggs Eggs, boiled/fried
16. Fish Codfish, fried, w/ breadcrumbs; Herring, w/ cream; Mackerel, smoked
17. Mixed dishes Baked beans w/ tomato sauce; Meat and rice stuffed cabbage w/ tomato
Sauce; Dumplings w/ meat, boiled; Dumplings w/ potatoes and cottage cheese,
Boiled; Sauerkraut and meat stew
18. Beverages w/ added
Fruit drink; Soft drink w/ added sugar
19. Low-calorie
Low-calorie soft drink
20. Tea, coffee Coffee; Tea, black; Tea, green/herb
21. Alcohol Beer; Wine; Vodka
22. Sweets Milk chocolate; Dark chocolate; Tea biscuit; Yeast cake; Shortbread cake; Gingerbread; Pound cake; Cheesecake; Halvah; Caramel candy; Other sweets; Candy; Ice cream
23. Honey and sugar Honey; Sugar
24. Dried fruits Raisins
25. Nuts and seeds Walnuts; Other nuts; Seeds
26. Soups Broth; Sour rye soup; Vegetable soup; Barley soup; Tomato soup; Bean soup; Sauerkraut soup

w/, with; w/o, without.