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. 2022 Nov 25;42(4):259–277. doi: 10.1038/s41388-022-02529-x

Table 2.

Methodology for the in vitro development of MAP resistant models in OS.

Dose response exposure time (h) EC50 (µM) Cell line Model exposure method (–h) Starting conc. (µM) Final conc. (µM) RI Variants Reference Model
MTX 24 25.78 SAOS2 P-24 1.1 4.4 12.7 NS [49] Wang_SAOS2/MTX-P
48 0.35 MG63 P-48 0.22 22 112.4 NS [69] Xu_MG63/MTX-P
0.47 U2OS 93.1 Xu_U2OS/MTX-P
96 0.03 SAOS2 C 0.0066 0.066–2.2 15–281 Y [34, 36, 37] Serra_SAOS2/MTX-C
0.01 U2OS 0.0066–2.2 3c–135 Serra_U2OS/MTX-C
DOX 3 0.4 143b P-3 NS 100 187.5 NS [43] Rajkumar_143B/DOX-P
NS 0.14 U2OS P-24 0.345 NS 95.6 NS [44] Shen_U2OS/DOX-P
0.18 MG63 72.9 Shen_MG63/DOX-P
48 1.8 HOS C 0.01 1 11.28 NS [52] Cheng_HOS/DOX-C
2.1 MG63 12.8 Cheng_MG63/DOX-C
96 0.013 SAOS2 C 0.0052 0.0517–1 72–338 Y [34, 64, 97] Serra_SAOS2/DOX-C
0.01 U2OS 15–330 Serra_U2OS/DOX-C
48 1.6 KHOS C 0.0035 0.035 6.3 NS [50, 51, 59, 61, 71, 72, 120] Lourda_KHOS/DOX-C
10.78 U2OS 15 Lourda_U2OS/DOX-C
48 11.15 MG63 C 1 10 4.5c NS [47] Ma_MG63/DOX-C
72 0.035 MG63 C 0.0517 0.0517–0.1724 10–28 Y [35] Roncuzzi_MG63/DOX-C
48 1.1 MG63 C 0.0043 1.724 10.5 NS [58] Wang_MG63/DOX-C
NS 5.52 MG63 C 0.01 0.1 6c NS [65] Xu_MG63/DOX-C
72 0.006 MG63 C 0.005 0.065 18.2 NS [42] Zhang_MG63/DOX-C
24a 1.15 U2OS C 0.015 0.12 3c NS [48] Shu_U2OS/DOX-C
0.93 HOS 3.5c Shu_HOS/DOX-C
NS 2.01 KHOS C NS NS 5.6c NS [62] Guan_KHOS/DOX-C
4.33 MG63 6.9 Guan_MG63/DOX-C
24 0.03 U2OS C NS NS 30.7 NS [57] Sugiu_U2OS/DOX-C
0.025 MG63 19.2 Sugiu_MG63/DOX-C
48 0.226 SAOS2 C 0.001 5 46.8 NS [67] Liu_SAOS2/DOX-C
48 3.5 MG63 C NS NS 8 NS [66] Yuan_MG63/DOX-C
3.5 KHOS 3.3c Yuan_KHOS/DOX-C
24 2.87 MG63 C 0.005 0.1 7.5 NS [55] Xia_MG63/DOX-C
CDDP NS 1.8 SAOS2 P-72 1 50 4.44c NS [53] Fan_SAOS2/CDDP-P
72 8.17 SOSP-9607 P-48 0.333 6.66 6.3 NS [54] Han_SOSP9607/CDDP-P
24 35 HOS P-2 3333 3333 2.2c NS [41] Mukherjee_HOS/CDDP-P
24b 9 SAOS2 P-24 1.5 16 3.4c NS [56, 68, 70] Song_SAOS2/CDDP-P
10 MG63 3.2c Song_MG63/CDDP-P
NS 5 MG63 P-72 0.1 0.2 4c NS [73] Zou_MG63/CDDP-P
72 9.04 U2OS C 10 10 14.1 NS [46] Jiang_U2OS/CDDP-C
8.35 MG63 14.5 Jiang_MG63/CDDP-C
72b 3.33 SAOS2 C 0.333 3.33 3c NS [63] Li_SAOS2/CDDP-C
48 0.85 MG63 C 0.5 2 6.1c NS [47] Ma_MG63/CDDP-C
NS NS SAOS C 1 3.33 4c NS [60] Zhao_SAOS2/CDDP-C
U2OS 5c Zhao_U2OS/CDDP-C

Data extracted from in vitro studies included in this review. The concentration that elicits a half maximal response (EC50) is stated for the parental cell line. Resistance index (RI) indicates the fold resistance to chemotherapy.

P pulse, C continuous, NS not stated in paper.

aPulsing strategy was used for the dose response experiment where cells were exposed for only 24 h of the total 72 h assay.

bMultiple timepoints used for dose response experiments.

cClinically relevant levels of resistance.