Functional correlation analysis between transcriptomics and proteomics
(A) Functional correlation analysis for UC-MSCs. Venn diagram shows the distribution of differentially abundant proteins (DAPs) upregulated in UC-MSCs compared with adult-MSCs. Bar plot shows the overlap of pathways between transcriptomics and proteomics datasets upregulated in UC-MSCs.
(B) Correlation heatmap between transcriptomics and proteomics of genes for functionally overlapped pathways for UC-MSCs.
(C) Functional correlation analysis for adult-MSCs. Venn diagram shows the distribution of DAPs upregulated in adult-MSCs compared with UC-MSCs. Bar plot shows the overlap of pathways between transcriptomics and proteomics datasets upregulated in adult-MSCs.
(D) Correlation heatmap between transcriptomics and proteomics of genes for functionally overlapped pathways for adult-MSCs.