Analysis of postmitotic cells at day 28 and mDA neuron differentiation
(A) Violin plots of SOX2 and FGFRs generated from scRNA-seq data of developing human ventral midbrain.
(B) Immunostaining of DCX+ and SOX2+ cells or pH3+ cells at day 28. Scale bars, 200 μm (upper panels) and 400 μm (lower panels).
(C) Immunostaining of LMX1A+;TH+ cells and FOXA2+;TH+ cells at day 28. Scale bars, 100 μm.
(D) Violin plots of TH, LMO3, and ALDH1A1 generated from scRNA-seq data of developing human ventral midbrain.
(E and F) qPCR analysis of LMO3 (E) and ALDH1A1 (F) at day 28. ∗p < 0.05 versus vehicle (n = 3 independent experiments).
(G) Gene expression analysis during differentiation as assessed by qPCR. Values are color coded and normalized to the sample with highest expression for each gene (n = 2–3 independent experiments).